Report on the Farewell Party
Our farewell party was on the 19th of June. It gave the parents, teacher and especially the students the opportunity to say thank you and goodbye. It took place in restaurant in Diekmannshausen which we could luckily use because it belongs to one student’s parents. The official language was English so that our Indian guest could understand us and the other way around.The organization team for this evening did a great job planning it. There was a team of students which was responsible for the setup and one for tidying up afterward. The setup team arrived an hour before the remaining guests. They arranged tables and benches in the garden, decorated them and distributed cola, orange juice and water.
For the dinner each family added one dish so we had a great selection of salads, bread and sauces. Additionally we made a barbecue. When it was time for our dinner most people started to eat outside but later was a thunderstorm so we all had to finish our dinner inside. That did not spoil our good mood. We had enough space inside and the presentations were inside anyway.
The presentations were the main part of our evening. Groups of four to six students, including at least one exchange student, prepared several presentations to different subjects the last three days. Each of them dealt with one aspect of our main subject “Mobility”. Every group prepared either a video or a power point presentation.
One group dealt with mobility in sport. They made a video of important moments in the German soccer history. To make that more interesting they switched between original footage and self-made video in which they took the roles of the players. Another group built a soapbox. They showed us different episodes of the construction phase and the final test run. Of cause they brought the soapbox with them so we could admire their hard work.
On top of these presentations the female exchanges students performed a traditional dance to Indian music in colorful saris.
But eventually there was the farewell. It was the last evening we could all meet together because the next day our Indian guests left for Berlin with their exchange partner. So it was the last change for the German students to see our guests until we meet again in Indian this fall. As farewell gifts key chains for each Indian student and teacher were prepared. For the partner school the German students had a special gift. In groups of two they designed a piece of fabric with symbols for our great exchange program. For example there were the shape of our countries or a flower with leaves in the colors of our flags.
Rieke Bohemann